Monday, September 20, 2010


The British Museum and the Greek government have been in a battle for many years over the Elgin marbles- the sections of marble frieze and statues taken from Greece in the 19th century by Lord Elgin to London and housed in the British museum. Today however, a new museum has been built in Athens, Greece near the Acropolis. The museum has asked for the return of the marbles to their homeland claiming that Greece now is adequately able to store and care for these antiquities. The trustees of the British museum still refuse to return the marbles.

What do you think?
View the following videos and follow the links to determine your position.
Where do these marbles belong? ' Is it better or worse to have them scattered through the world? Are they the possession of those who live in the place where they were first made? Or are they the possession of everyone? The likelihood is that we will be debating these issues for many years to come.'(Mary Beard, 2002)

British Museum position

Video on Elgin marbles

Press statement concerning Museum position

Lord Elgin : Saviour or Vandal?

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