Saturday, January 22, 2011


As a review to our readings about Kristallnacht- watch the following clips. Take notes so that you know when this occurred who was targeted by whom and why. Note the damage and explain how this became part of the racist state that Hitler was creating in Germany.What choices were people forced to make? What was the impact and effect of Kristallnacht for Jews and for the non-Jewish German population?

Part 5: Again note the choices families were forced to make.

What messages had been given to the public to allow events such as Kristalnacht to occur without huge objections? Watch the following clips to understand the role of propaganda.

Propaganda, according to the dictionary (Oxford) is 'chiefly derogatory information, esp. of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view : he was charged with distributing enemy propaganda.'

Watch the following clips that show accounts of Kristalnacht:

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Ms. Narsiman and Mr. Whiting worked with you today to help you establish your learning profile. Consider what they have written below and then write a reflection on your blog post of you as a learner.

Have you ever struggled in class, feeling the need to move, or simply change seats that so that you could listen better with your left ear or view the whiteboard from a different angle?

The amazing characteristic about understanding your Learner Profile is that it will help you and your teachers know more about the best learning situations for each student; that is your strengths, your preferences and areas that we all can work on and improve.

Reflect on your Learning Profiles, and now that you have a better understanding of your profile, write and share the information on your blog.

In a well structured response, (using the information you gained in class ) please reflect upon and answer the following ....

1. I learn best when......

2. I need to .....

3. The strategies that would help me in my learning....

4. I would like my teachers to know this about me.....

Mrs. N and Mr. Whiting.