Compliment: noun:a polite expression of praise or admiration : she paid me an enormous compliment.
Verb:politely congratulate or praise (someone) for something : he complimented Erica on her appearance.
com+pli+ment fromL. complere "to complete," via notion of "complete the obligations of politeness from the Latin root:plere:to fill (Harper,D 2003)
When was the last time you received a compliment? How did it make you feel? When was the last time you complimented someone? How did it make that person feel?
I found this article The Compliment Guy over the weekend and thought many of you would enjoy reading it. I really like the way these students are making a difference to people's days. I like the idea of small steps that we can all take to make the world a better place and I do believe this can have a ripple effect.We all have the power to connect and effect each other so it might as well be for the good! With so much in the news of disasters and wars it's refreshing to read of positive actions, of goodness and kindness. I believe that a smile towards a stranger, a compliment to someone can create connections and warm the world. I believe we can all connect positively to everyone and in doing so make the world a little better.
After reading the article and watching the you-tube clip, write a reaction-your thoughts about this, any connections you might have.
I chose the image above as the illustrated quote seems to complement(!) the you-tube clip and article.'The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.' Frank Lloyd Wright US architect (1869 - 1959) I also wanted to introduce you to the work of Teesha Moore an inspiring collage artist. Visit her site, look at how she combines text and images together. I love her quirky painting/images, the colours and textures she uses. For those of you who may be interested in keeping a graphic journal read about how she creates her pages and the materials she uses here in How I Journal.
Moore,T.My Journal Pages,retrieved from
Harper,D. 2003, On Line Etymology Dictionary
Interesting video. Cool! I never seen/known that people would do that.
www.sarahpera11.blogspot is my blogspot acount.
Sorry! :P
Ummm this is Amin soo yah just press my Name and you will go to the site! meow
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