Thursday, January 27, 2011


"But there is a difference between passive goodness and active goodness, which is, in my opinion, the giving of one's time and energy in the alleviation of pain and suffering. It entails going out, finding and helping those in suffering and danger, and not merely in leading an exemplary life, in a purely passive way of doing no wrong." Nicholas Winton

Go here to read about the heroic actions of the humble Nicholas Winton and here

Watch here: BBC Programme 'That's Life"

In his study of rescuers, Ervin Staub states, "Goodness, like evil, often begins in small steps. Heroes evolve; they aren't born. Very often the rescuers make only a small commitment at the start-to hide someone for a day or two. But once they had taken that step, they begin to see themselves differently, as someone who helps. What starts as mere willingness becomes intense involvement."
What does Staub's insight suggest about rescuers?
Write a working definition of a hero?
Why do you think Winton is reluctant to have himself called a hero? What point is he trying to make?
Why do you think that in times of crisis, some people stand by, or actively help the perpetrators, while others get involved and try to make a positive difference? ( From Facing History, Facing Ourselves)

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